About Us

Project SAILS® began in 2001 at Kent State University with the goal of developing a standardized test of information literacy skills that would allow libraries to document skill levels for groups of students and to pinpoint areas for improvement.

To make Project SAILS a success, we brought together a team of experts in librarianship, test design and measurement, data analysis, and programming. A three-year research and development phase involving more than 80 higher education institutions in the U.S. and Canada culminated in 2006 in the production version of the SAILS test of information literacy skills.

Beginning in January 2012, the continued operation of Project SAILS was licensed exclusively to Carrick Enterprises, Inc.

Looking for additional information about the project? Explore the following links:

Looking for information about the SAILS information literacy tests? Read more about the tests.

Project SAILS Team

Rick Wiggins is President and Chief Technology Officer for Carrick Enterprises. He has worked as a software developer for more that 35 years, both in academia and in the private sector, specializing in web scripting, database management, and system administration. His experience includes developing software for monitoring nuclear power plants, managing small and large computer systems, and creating web sites for numerous clients.

Carolyn Radcliff is an academic librarian with over 30 years of experience at universities in the United States. Her areas of focus are information literacy, assessment, reference, and management.

Project SAILS is a registered trademark of Carrick Enterprises, Inc.